Computer Science
Build a full-stack web application that allows the user to split their savings bank account into multiple accounts based on their selected savings scheme
Modern day banking has evolved leaps and bounds. What if we can take it one step further and help users manage their saving scheme/s by restructuring their bank account?

Certified by
Software Engineer
Menterns at work
Time Commitment
60 Hours
60 days
Tools you’ll learn
Here’s What You Work On
About the Company
Jupiter is a digital banking application that provides convenient, effective customer service with intelligent features that ensure the user’s financial health is always A+.
Their vision is to Empower people to achieve financial wellness.

Jupiter makes it extremely easy for a user to manage their money as well as grow their money through their multiple solutions.

Innovation in financial services is an evolving field, to ensure the modern user has a very easy and convenient way to manage their money. Jupiter is one of the pioneers in this aspect.

the following work techniques
Database design
Full Stack Web Development
User Interface design
Learn more about our Menternship Principle
Bridging the gap
The bank account structure has not been tampered with for ages now. Financial institutions have always kept the bank account and savings’ instruments separate.

This always leaves the account holder to make decisions as to where to transfer his/her money based on the savings scheme of their choice. 
What if this decision making can be a one time decision periodically, and the application does the splitting of funds automatically based on the pre-decided savings scheme? The user will have the funds move into different sub-accounts automatically as soon as money is received in his/her account.
Sounds interesting?

the following skills
Back-end development
Basics of UI/UX
Front-end development
Learn more about our Menternship Principle
Expected output
In this menternship you will build a web application from scratch. You will develop both the front end and the back end.

the following deliverables
Database Structure
API Documentation
Screen Recording of Fully Functional Web Application
Learn more about our Menternship Principle
What you’ll need before starting
Well versed with the MERN Stack.
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Each Menternship experience is powered by the MentorMind experiential learning model. We empower you as a Mentern to produce your own unique real work output through mentoring, deep-learning & applying your learnings to work.
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Meet Our Certified Menterns
It was amazing! I learnt so many things like creating engagement on social media platforms. The 1:1 with mentors were super helpful. I learnt how to create Instagram ads, identify goals & do competitor analysis- so many things.
There was a lot of interactive sessions with Mentors. The Menternship I completed gave me a new perspective to how work has to be done. I truly enjoyed working with real figures & actual industry case studies. 
My experience was great as I got a chance to explore subjects like Analytics which are difficult to look for. The Menternship allowed to get subject knowledge and see what goes behind the making and delivering of a product.
My experience was very useful as I learnt so much about Fleet Management & Digital Marketing connected to the real-world scenario. I learnt how to actually work with social media channels like IG & Facebook. 
Build a full-stack web application that allows the user to split their savings bank account into multiple accounts based on their selected savings scheme
Modern day banking has evolved leaps and bounds. What if we can take it one step further and help users manage their saving scheme/s by restructuring their bank account?

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