Business Development
Conduct Market Analysis for a Fitness Studio and Build Business Development Schemes
What are people looking for from a fitness coach? Design subscription plans that service every kind of customer
Certified by

Business Development Manager
Menterns at work
Time Commitment
Submit First Draft in 15 days
30 days
Tools you’ll learn
Here’s What You Work On
About the Company
Xtraliving is a no-frills fitness group and training establishment. They do not spend resources on promoting themselves through marketing campaigns - they rely on word-of-mouth and their research-backed training programs to reach their target audience. They have worked with many corporate partners including Radio Mirchi, Microsoft and Facebook on fitness programs. They have even partnered with Bharat Scout and Guides to promote health and nutrition awareness among adolescents.
the following work techniques
Nutrition and fitness
Fitness target market
Business development schemes for fitness industry
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Bridging the gap
Fitness industry became one of the worst hit industries during the Covid-19 pandemic as gyms all over the world were shut down indefinitely. However, since August of 2021 - there has been a resurgence in the fitness industry. New memberships are on the rise as people flock to gyms to regain their pre-lockdown fitness levels and boost their immunity and physical stamina. Gyms adopt specialised business development schemes to drive memberships, some of these include referral-based membership, special fitness packages like zumba, yoga, weight training etc, group classes etc. In this menternship, you will have the opportunity to deep dive into this 80 billion dollar industry and invent some innovative marketing and BD techniques.
the following skills
Champion the customer
Lead generations
Marketing strategy
Sales (B2C)
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Expected output
In this menternship, you will research the target market for a local Crossfit gym and build business development schemes to drive memberships.
the following deliverables
Customer research for the company
Business development scheme to drive gym membership
Learn more about our Menternship Principle
What you’ll need before starting
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Conduct Market Analysis for a Fitness Studio and Build Business Development Schemes
What are people looking for from a fitness coach? Design subscription plans that service every kind of customer
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