Social Development
Conduct Research and Collect Data to Analyse the Impact of an NGO’s Efforts
Impact is simply the positive difference made in the lives of people through the intervention of a nonprofit organisation. Measuring this impact is number one responsibility of field researchers in the area of public policy design.
Certified by

Public Policy researcher
Menterns at work
Time Commitment
Submit First Draft in 15 days
30 days
Tools you’ll learn
Here’s What You Work On
About the Company
The Teach For India Fellowship is an opportunity for India’s brightest and most promising youth, from the nation’s best universities and workplaces, to serve as full-time teachers to children from low-income communities in under-resourced schools. Through two years of teaching and working with key education stakeholders, TFI Fellows are exposed to the grassroots realities of India’s education system and cultivate the knowledge, skills, and mindsets needed to attain positions of leadership in and beyond education, working collectively to build a vibrant movement for educational equity across India. TFI's impact is assessed by the amount of difference its interventions are able to make in the learning outcomes of school students.
the following work techniques
Monitoring and evaluation
Education sector
Impact assessment for nonprofits
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Bridging the gap
Nonprofit organisation utilize public money that comes to them in the form of grants and donations from various private individuals, institutions, companies as well as the government to work towards making a positive change in society. The exact definition and metrics of this positive change depends on the problem the nonprofit is trying to solve. For example, an NGO working in the area of will measure this positive change in the form of the increased access of health services to public or increased awareness among people for prevention of a disease. Similarly, an education-focussed NGO like Teach for India will measure this change as the positive difference its work brought in the learning outcomes of students. Have they become better at language and mathematics? Are greater number of students now enrolling in school? Has the number of dropouts reduced? - These are some of the questions you will try to answer as you measure the impact of this NGO's work.
the following skills
Impact assessment
Social sector research
Learn more about our Menternship Principle
Expected output
You will be responsible for developing the impact assessment report of this NGO.
the following deliverables
Monitoring and Evaluation framework for education NGOs
Impact assessment report of this NGO.
Learn more about our Menternship Principle
What you’ll need before starting
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Conduct Research and Collect Data to Analyse the Impact of an NGO’s Efforts
Impact is simply the positive difference made in the lives of people through the intervention of a nonprofit organisation. Measuring this impact is number one responsibility of field researchers in the area of public policy design.
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