Marketing Strategy
Explore Potential of Premium Motorcycles in Regional Hubs
How can brands like Harley Davidsons make inroads into India's semi-urban and rural areas? Find out if there is any potential for premium bike brands in Telangana
Certified by

Marketing Analyst
Menterns at work
Time Commitment
Submit First Draft in 15 days
30 days
Tools you’ll learn
This Menternship is a part of
Marketing Strategy Portfolio
Here’s What You Work On
About the Company
Premium motorcycles are typically priced well above Rs5 lakh and have an engine power of more than 500cc. The biggest brands in this category are KTM, Triumph, Suzuki, Yamaha etc. While most other motorcycles are purchased to be cheaper alternatives to cars, these motorcycles are bought to fulfill a thirst for adventure.
the following work techniques
Customer segmentation
Premium motorcycles - market research
Retail marketing
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Bridging the gap
During the pandemic the market for premium motorcycles took a hit like all other markets, but now this market is once again reopening and is expected to grow to $161 million by 2023. The primary target segment are young riders with a high disposable income. The drivers of this market are a growing motorcycling culture, and rising popularity of superbike clubs and communities. Do you have what it takes to deeply study this market and develop a year-long marketing strategy with a detailed breakup of marketing activities and budget?
the following skills
Customer research
Marketing insights
Marketing strategy
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Expected output
In this menternship, your task is to create a marketing strategy that maps the potential of selling such premium motorcycles in Telangana.
the following deliverables
Customer research for the company
Annual Marketing strategy with budget
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What you’ll need before starting
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Explore Potential of Premium Motorcycles in Regional Hubs
How can brands like Harley Davidsons make inroads into India's semi-urban and rural areas? Find out if there is any potential for premium bike brands in Telangana
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