Human Resource
Prepare the Volunteer Induction & Performance Tracking Program at Teach For India
How do nonprofit organisation utilize volunteers to solve the education crisis?
Certified by

Human Resource Manager (Learning and Development)
Menterns at work
Time Commitment
Submit First Draft in 15 days
30 days
Tools you’ll learn
Here’s What You Work On
About the Company
Teach for India believes that education is the solution to most problems that plague society today. However, it is not enough to bring kids to school. It is important to provide quality education to them once they are there. Teach for India aims to bridge the gaping educational inequity in India by hiring young people to serve as teachers in the most marginalised urban schools in India. Through Teach for India’s Fellowship, Fellows step into government or low budget private schools and don the hats of a teacher and mentor.
the following work techniques
HRM for non-profits
Education sector in India
Google Forms
Google Sheets
Learn more about our Menternship Principle
Bridging the gap
Teach for India Fellows perform various roles ranging from teaching to community engagement. Volunteers step in here to help the Fellows improve their efficiency and reach. However, when volunteers are recruited, they are usually in the dark about the organisation, it’s culture and the deliverables. A comprehensive induction programme is the easiest way to inform them of these while also setting the tone for their experience with the organisation. Companies are increasingly investing in induction programmes for new hires to deliver a better employee experience and reduce attrition.
the following skills
Compensation and benefits
Performance Management
Learn more about our Menternship Principle
Expected output
In this menternship, you will prepare a comprehensive volunteer induction programme. You will then come up with a performance tracking program for the volunteers.
the following deliverables
Volunteer induction kit
Performance tracker
Student feedback form
Learn more about our Menternship Principle
What you’ll need before starting
Access to an official school/work email is required for all Power BI menternships
Why Do Menternships?
Each Menternship experience is powered by the MentorMind experiential learning model. We empower you as a Mentern to produce your own unique real work output through mentoring, deep-learning & applying your learnings to work.
All our Menternships are co-created with companies. They are designed for real-time work in the corporate function which allows all levers of a work experience to flourish in your Menternship experience.
You get access to a guild of industry mentors with remarkably diverse experience in their fields. Mentors help you with expert advice, domain guidance or to understand a specific task better. Moreover, you can always depend on our community of menterns, MentorMind Garage, to seek assistance from your co-menterns, guides & mentors!
Successfully completing a Menternship is no less that having practical, hands-on work experience. You earn a Certificate of Recognition from the Menternship partner company which can be showcased on your CV or your LinkedIn as a proof of your real skills!
As a Certified Mentern you earn a spot in the exclusive Mentern Perks Club, a MentorMind community that opens up networking amongst menterns from across the globe. MentorMind empowers the community with our amazing Perks Club guides, Do-With-Us workshops & access to work opportunities with our Corporate Partners!
Meet Our Certified Menterns
Prepare the Volunteer Induction & Performance Tracking Program at Teach For India
How do nonprofit organisation utilize volunteers to solve the education crisis?
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