Source the Next Big Start-Up in the Education/Agriculture Industry
Step into the shoes of a Senior Financial Analyst at a VC firm, and identify the company most likely to yield highest profits.
Certified by

Financial Analyst
Impact Investment
Menterns at work
Time Commitment
Submit First Draft in 15 days
30 days
Tools you’ll learn
Here’s What You Work On
About the Company
Village Capital helps entrepreneurs bring big ideas from vision to scale. Their mission is to reinvent the system to back future entrepreneurs. They create an ecosystem that is not dense but connected - where startup players partner and collaborate to create greater success. They have helped hundreds of businesses worldwide find the network and funds they need to succeed in their audacious growth plans!
the following work techniques
Deal sourcing
Venture capital for education/agriculture
Trend analysis
Learn more about our Menternship Principle
Bridging the gap
Every venture capital firm in the world is looking for companies with really good founders & solid business models. Thorough sectorial analysis, followed by proper due diligence of each prospect company helps them arrive at the best possible final cohort. This process is called - Deal Sourcing. It is like finding a diamond in the rough. Through, you will source 150 companies from the sectors of - K-12 Education Technology and Agriculture for small-holding farmers and then conduct trend analysis and sectoral analysis to determine the best of them.
the following skills
Business Planning (Finance)
Finance Strategy
Management reporting and analysis
Learn more about our Menternship Principle
Expected output
In this menternship, you will rate and recommend 35 companies for investment, from a pool of 150 potential companies from education and agriculture sectors.
the following deliverables
A list of 35 recommended companies for investment by a venture capital firm in the field of K12 education and agriculture
Report on overall findings and recommendations
Learn more about our Menternship Principle
What you’ll need before starting
Market research, concept of venture capital
Why Do Menternships?
Each Menternship experience is powered by the MentorMind experiential learning model. We empower you as a Mentern to produce your own unique real work output through mentoring, deep-learning & applying your learnings to work.
All our Menternships are co-created with companies. They are designed for real-time work in the corporate function which allows all levers of a work experience to flourish in your Menternship experience.
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Successfully completing a Menternship is no less that having practical, hands-on work experience. You earn a Certificate of Recognition from the Menternship partner company which can be showcased on your CV or your LinkedIn as a proof of your real skills!
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Meet Our Certified Menterns
Source the Next Big Start-Up in the Education/Agriculture Industry
Step into the shoes of a Senior Financial Analyst at a VC firm, and identify the company most likely to yield highest profits.
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