Business Analytics
Study customer churn analytics for the banking industry
What can the likes of ICICI and HDFC banks do to keep their customers happy?
Certified by

Business Analyst
Menterns at work
Time Commitment
Submit First Draft in 30 Days
35 days
Tools you’ll learn
Here’s What You Work On
About the Company
What comes to mind when you think of banks? Is it the long queues and the endless paperwork? What if all of these could be eliminated and banking were seamless? This is exactly what Jupiter Money brings to its customers! They have one simple aim- to deliver a banking solution that keeps pace with the customer. And not just that! They also help their clients manage their finances with new age features to track their spending and income.
the following work techniques
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Bridging the gap
For a customer, looking to avail banking services, the options are endless. This also means that it is easy for them to switch between different banks. How then do banks attract and keep their customers? They need to identify exactly what makes a customer stop using their service and work on improving those parameters. This is where business analytics comes to the rescue! Looking at the existing data and analysing it to give accurate business insights is an invaluable skill for any company.
the following skills
Data Visualization
Data Wrangling
Data cleaning
Research and Intuition - FinTech
SQL Programming
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Expected output
In this menternship, you will analyse customer data of a bank and identify the factors that contribute to customer churn.
the following deliverables
Metrics that Determine Churn
SQL Based Analysis report on Customer Churn for a Banking Industry client
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What you’ll need before starting
Basics of SQL programming would be great to have before you start this menternship. Some experience with DDL and DML commands would come in handy.
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Each Menternship experience is powered by the MentorMind experiential learning model. We empower you as a Mentern to produce your own unique real work output through mentoring, deep-learning & applying your learnings to work.
All our Menternships are co-created with companies. They are designed for real-time work in the corporate function which allows all levers of a work experience to flourish in your Menternship experience.
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Successfully completing a Menternship is no less that having practical, hands-on work experience. You earn a Certificate of Recognition from the Menternship partner company which can be showcased on your CV or your LinkedIn as a proof of your real skills!
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Meet Our Certified Menterns
Study customer churn analytics for the banking industry
What can the likes of ICICI and HDFC banks do to keep their customers happy?
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